Numbers 11:24-30; John 7:37-39; Acts 2:1-21

Rev. Tiare L. Mathison, Pastor & Soul-Tender

Tim Keller died last week. You might not know his name. But he is a powerhouse in the evangelical wing of the Presbyterian Church. A fine intellect to think ‘Christian’ and a heart to love people, he planted a church in the middle of New York City, Redeemer Presbyterian. Its mission? To engage young professionals who flock to the city for work on Wall Street, Stock Market, Publishing, Theater & Broadway. While he and I have grave theological differences, including ordaining women as pastors and members of the LGBTQ communities, I have great respect for him and his commitment to treat the gospel with humility; to not ask for or gain the spotlight; to listen carefully and to not let his conservative theological beliefs be hijacked into the White Christian Nationalists who hold such sway on the political right and white evangelical churches today.

As he lay dying from stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, he says. ‘Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Everything will be all right.’ His last prayer? “I want to see Jesus. I can’t wait to see Jesus.” His advice? “Let the tears fall. They wash the wounds clean. Kathy (his wife) and I have cried and cried and cried. Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Everything will be all right.”

My question: What would God have to do to amaze and astonish you?

Let’s pray.

50 days in the same room with the same crowd with the same questions with the same antagonisms with the same fear with the same doubt with the same hope with the same defeat. He disappeared, no one else is coming to save us. He tried but He couldn’t keep His promise. It’s all over. Let’s go celebrate Passover and be done with it. Was a great ride, wasn’t it? Amazing miracles, healing, prophesy, redemption, comfort, welcome - tax collectors, fishermen, even the women. Nothing like it in my life time! But its over now. Back to the same ole’ drag. Hope for a moment, oh well. Hunger!

Ready for it? Ta Da!!!

Well not exactly.

Something did happen, really different, but with enough social & historical context to make it real. Tongues of fire - sure - on Cesar’s coin, over his head. Many languages? Well it is the Festival of Weeks - celebrates the giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai and the end of Spring Harvest. Thousands gather from all over Mesopotamia, Phrygia, Egypt, even Rome, Italy, think of the distance they came.

Fire is a leit motif of God - burning bushes and all that, smoke by day, fire by night, even in Daniel’s den the chariots of fire. John the Baptist’s prophesy, “The One who comes will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire…”

It is a total eclipse by the Son, through the Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Whatever categories have been in place before this, they are all gone. ALL FLESH - all humanities, sexes, genders, slaves, rich, poor, middle class - women & men - everybody shall prophesy. Like Joel said, in those days…Why? It is a fundamental re-design of creation. Suddenly access to God is not through the portal of a man in some kind of council on high. They who created rituals and practices and told everyone exactly what to do and what space they could occupy in the sanctuary’s hierarchy, with the lowliest of the lowliest always in the back of the room. Women, poor, foreigners, slaves…you know the drill.

Rather, it is a wind: while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters and God says, Let there be…and so it was. Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Thirst!

Listen to this snippet of a poem by Jane Kenyon, from Briefly It Enters and Briefly It Speaks:

I am the one whose love

overcomes you, already with you

when you think to call my name. . . . (pause)

All who call upon the Name of the Lord, who IS the one whose love overcomes and is already PRESENT when you call His Name. He promised, ‘Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’

My question: What would God have to do to amaze and astonish you?

I realize the arrogance of this question; why should we require God to do something else? Hasn’t She already done enough, shown us the way? Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. Everything will be all right.

But we are like everyone else, we need to be convinced. We need to stand in the courtyards of the Jerusalem Temple and hear that mighty wind again, the burst of languages shouted one on top of the other, the energy flow like a well-designed circuit, outward, fast, really fast, capturing a nervous tingle that connects one to another, until the whole crowd vibrates!

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? A collective shout!

The question whispered so loudly from the crowd, something as cynical and dismissive as ‘they are all drunk, every single one of them.’ No, its only 9 in the morning, the sun has not even past over head. Yeah we might be a little ripe after 50 days in the same room together. But listen up. Plenty!

My question: What would God have to do to amaze and astonish you?

This is also an honest plea for a showing isn’t it? We long to be amazed and astonished.

BREAK: Please stand as you are able and confess what you believe through the Brief Statement of Faith, read slowly together: Remember: the PCUSA was divided over slavery, it broke apart in 1863. In 1983, we came back together and the General Assembly gathered a group of theologians, historians and finally one poet, Ann Weems, who framed this statement. Together:

We trust in God the Holy Spirit,

everywhere the giver and renewer of life.

The Spirit justifies us by grace through faith,

sets us free to accept ourselves and to love God and neighbor,

and binds us together with all believers

in the one body of Christ, the Church.

The same Spirit

who inspired the prophets and apostles

rules our faith and life in Christ through Scripture,

engages us through the Word proclaimed,

claims us in the waters of baptism,

feeds us with the bread of life and the cup of salvation,

and calls women and men to all ministries of the church.

In a broken and fearful world

the Spirit gives us courage

to pray without ceasing,

to witness among all peoples to Christ as Lord and Savior,

to unmask idolatries in Church and culture,

to hear the voices of peoples long silenced,

and to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace.

In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit,

we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks

and to live holy and joyful lives,

even as we watch for God’s new heaven and new earth,

praying, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

You may be seated.

Your assignment: Take time, lots of time, intentional time, to discover where the Spirit is blowing in your life right now. It is loosed and it is wild and it is not contained. Nor is it yours alone. She has been poured out on families, on congregations, communities, presbyteries, even nations. Set your glance toward the periphery for that is where I find She dwells most often. Certainly in this time of transition we all need to listen carefully, for it might be a still small voice to be heard, or it might be a really loud shout from over in the corner - Hey, you all. Come here, I got an idea!

Know this. The Spirit speaks in tongues you will recognize. Her whole purpose is to glorify God, to create spaces so you can HEAR the gospel, in the dailyness of your own lives. Listen carefully to the ones you trust with your heart and soul - they might have a prophetic word for you. It is called prayer and it is that, historically, but it is not only the formal prayers of our liturgies but the deep and abiding sorrows of our laments, the joyful irruption of wow or awesome! The quiet cry, help.

Post-pandemic it is, ‘what is this Lord, what is this?’ So much grief and sorrow. All of the violence and evil that overtakes our imaginations has to be set aside, at least for a time, so we can see the light that shines behind and beyond, above and below it all, while it still holds this amazing love, mercy and grace. In Jesus’ Name,

Hunger, Thirst & Plenty Amen

PRESENCE!!! (7th Sunday of Easter)


Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35; 1 Peter 5:6-11; John 17:1-11

Rev. Tiare L. Mathison, Pastor & Soul-Tender

Let me start this morning by making a declaration: Victory goes to the wounded. This is the sum total of my faith. Victory goes to the wounded.

This is a radical statement, at least according to our culture. The way the world works is to despise the wounded, to ignore them, to not see them, to not provide for them, to wish they were dead. Against this, Jesus says You have been made worthy. Christ looks at you and says ‘I love you, you are worthy, your name is Beloved.” It is this radical mercy that Christ brings into the world, an embrace of truth, beauty and goodness, entwined in love. For you and you and you and for all those out there, every single one. His embodied Presence opens up an enormous window for us all to know God AND receive this amazing gift - eternal life.

Victory goes to the wounded, even in our death, for we will be gathered into the Godhead, jubilation, full blown glory, 10,000 years of singing with the heavenly host. Presence!!!

What is required is a radical trust that what we see is not all there is.

We see the roaring lions out to devour the good. We see patriarchal empire devouring the poor and our current day outcasts - anyone who is not white, not male, not rich, not powerful.

We see the demonic busy chipping away at communities of faith, dividing one against the other, violence against our basic human connection.

We forget we are united with all Christians, sisters and brothers, all over the world, from time immemorial. Christianity is not a singular faith statement, I believe. It is a collective and by our membership, we see our inter-connections that generates empathy. We rejoice when they rejoice and we mourn when they mourn. Likewise, they do the same for us. We stand in solidarity on the right side of justice. Victory is claimed as the wounded dance!

Death has no sting. They’ve lost the battle. Jesus’ resurrection and continued companionship is the truth. Presence!!!

Listen to Jesus’ Prayer:

“Father, this is it. Time’s up, lion’s at the door. I pray my life has brought You glory as You bring glory to fullness in my death. I beg You to keep and protect these Beloveds; You gave them to me. Bind the strong one who wants to devour them. May they be one just like we are.”

This prayer is for us too. Jesus is praying us into the mystery of who He is - God yet distinct from God. Remember John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, with God, was God?

He says, “This is what God looks like. This thing you all call glory is actually My Presence with the Father and the Holy Spirit.”

Praise God from whom all blessings flow, every body every thing every where; praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost. Complete wholeness, something we can barely, barely comprehend! We call it shalom.

And the question arises again: who is NOT held in the beauty of Divine Glory? Who does not bear the Image of God? The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…we have seen His glory (doxa in Greek; kabod in Hebrew) the glory as of a Father’s only son, full appearance of grace and truth in human form. Are you outside the beauty until you confess Jesus as Lord? Or is the beauty universal and strong enough to hold all our fallenness? Our sin nature cannot take away God’s glory, shared with the whole world. Yet the Psalmist prays, “Let His enemies be scattered.”

So there is some battle that goes on, some judgment made. It just cannot be you or me. Jesus prays for His disciples, including us, to take His Word out into the world, thereby the world will come to believe that in fact, Jesus is Lord.

What is central to Jesus is that we KNOW God through Jesus’ life and ministry, like big picture windows into God’s love and saving purposes. This knowing draws us into a new reality, as opposed to the world’s kind of knowing. Ours is one of power, active, confessional, relational.

God through Jesus is hunting us down, just saying.

Shaped by God’s commitment to shalom, the fullness of life, thriving for everyone everything everywhere, He is on the prowl. Our knowing God makes our love and obedience bring glory to His Name. Even with Jesus going away, we still have access to the Father. This happens in Jesus’ Name and by His Promise. Presence!!!

There are two things we have to do. One is trust, the other, obey. I don’t think trust comes easy these days, if it ever did. There is so much preaching of fear and so much anger toward any one who is different.

It seems our minds and hearts are guarded and defensive toward any call for trust. Such a breakdown of relationships across all communities leaves us suspicious or cynical - don’t believe everything you hear. Trust, but verify. In many ways, I think Jesus says to His disciples, See Me? See who I am and what I do? I’m an open book, I got nothing to hide. Because the Father has sent me, filled with His love and justice and service, you can trust me. I washed your feet after all, just hours before my crucifixion.

A long obedience in the same direction is a book title of Eugene Petersen and a rich phrase to describe our life of faith. We are called to receive the goodness and mercy of the Lord and then be obedient to Jesus’ love and justice and service. We are to place ourselves in service to the wounded so they may discover victory. Just like we have. We are to be contractors for justice, building the scaffolding for the beloved community. We know love, we know love, His Name is Jesus. Broad, expansive, extravagant love wraps us up in His great arms, His hands marred, scars still rough as He grabs hold of us.

We talked about this last week. Jesus’ one command? Love. Love. Love. Our trust and obedience is rooted in His love. Such mercy I say all the time. Such mercy. Love goes deeper than a frame of I’m right and their wrong. It is not contingent on behavior, following the rules, doing it the right way. This radical love covers all sin, even heresies, demagogues with their deep need for power and control. We are all in the gutter together, the unfortunate truth of humanity. Salvation arrives, some of us hear the call to look up and see the light. We trust His Presence and promise through faith to be obedient to His demanding love. Its hard, its really hard. But where else would we go? Presence!!!