First visit?
Here’s what to expect Sunday mornings at 10:30
We are a lively community, always excited to welcome new faces through our doors. Feel free to enter through the front, or around back through the parking lot to climb fewer stairs. We also have an accessible lift at the back door, by the parking lot. Take a seat wherever you are comfortable, and be aware that folks will likely come and say hello when they see a new face.
The program is as follows:
Call to worship
Songs of praise
Confession & Assurance of Forgiveness
Passing of the Peace
Scripture Readings
Sermon from Pastor Haley or a guest preacher
Hymn of response
First Sunday of the Month: Holy Communion
Prayers of the People (congregants on Zoom and in person are welcome to share requests)
Sending Song
After church you are welcome to join us downstairs for coffee, snacks, and conversation. First Sunday of the Month is a Potluck Lunch.
Have questions?
Need directions? Parking information? Please feel free to reach out to Pastor Haley Ballast (