August 21, 2022: Do Not Cast Me Off


Psalm 71:1-9; Hebrews 12:18-29; Luke 13:10-17

Rev. Tiare L. Mathison, Pastor & Soul-Tender

In Memorium: Frederick Buechner

His influence

Julie Young’s story

A few quotes

“Growing up he had no church connection; happened to live next door to Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. ‘Nothing to do on a Sunday…’

One Sunday he was struck by a particular turn of phrase by the church’s pastor, the Rev. George Buttrick: “Christ is crowned in the hearts of those who love him and believe in him amidst confession and tears and great laughter.” He recounted: “I was so taken aback by ‘great laughter’ that I found tears springing up in my eyes.”

Went to Princeton Seminary, ordained an Evangelist in 1958 at Madison Avenue.


‘If there is a God and if God is as concerned with the world and involved in it as Christianity says, then surely one of the most powerful ways God speaks to people is in what happens to them.”


This is the woman's prayer. 'Do not cast me off in my old age, do not forsake me when my strength is spent.'

18 years is a long time to live bent over. To strain to see the sky, the sun, the stars. To be in pain; to have children point fingers at you, laugh, and run away.

He looks across the crowd and sees her, this bent woman. She doesn't call attention to herself at all; yet it's easy to spot her--her awkward stance creates a space where no one can get too close.

"Woman, you are free from your weakness," he says loudly. The crowd goes silent, a communal intake of breath. She stands there, unsure, what to do next.

Jesus moves toward her, his hands outstretched. If he touches her, he becomes ritually unclean; he will have to follow the laws of ritual bathing; which can only happen at sunset. He will remain outside the synagogue until he does. She doesn't get touched very often--some superstition her condition is contagious.

She waits, her mind a jumble. "Weakness? What does he mean? Oh my, he is walking toward me, he is going to touch me, doesn't he know the rules? What if it doesn't do any good? What if I'm not healed? What if he's a Charlatan, like all the others, who try to sell me some herb or drink a prayer?" Jesus comes close, reaches out his hands toward her tensive back.

"Wait," the leader says. "This is our day of rest, our sabbath, our chance to focus on God's goodness in creation and our salvation at the Exodus from Egypt. We must not disrupt our practice--it's been 1,000 years!!! Healing is work, not rest!!!"

The crowd breathes out, starts to chatter--'what is going on? Is he a healer? Is she going to stand up straight? Where does he get his magic? Who does he think he is anyway, healing on the Sabbath? He should know better. What's the matter with him? Now he's unclean too. Men shouldn't touch women. This is just wrong. Oh my, maybe...maybe, he can help me."

'Do not cast me off in my old age, do not forsake me when my strength is spent.'

As his hands land lightly on her bent-over back, she stands up straight. For the first time in 18 years. She flexes her muscles, begins to raise her arms and her gaze to the beautiful blue sky. Never in her wildest imagination did she think this day would come. Certainly not like this--in front of God and everybody else! Tears come, as does her beautiful yet shy smile.

The rules bend. The bent-over woman stands straight. The crowd leans in, at least those who agree with bending rules. Jesus goes on to say, "What is the kingdom of God like? Like this mustard seed. Like yeast in the dough. Something little turns into something big. Go and do likewise.”

This is an eschatological vision. Remember last week? Jesus says, “God is delighted to give you the kingdom!”

Its like what just happened—this is the kind of community Jesus builds as He walks His way to Jerusalem and the cross, his death. It is His identity and authority that is revealed in the cosmic battle with the one we name Satan, chief of the powers that only serve to oppress and destroy rather than build up and thrive. This woman is an heir to the covenant promise of Sarah and Abraham. Her freedom is her salvation. She is not cast off.

Ultimately, Jesus becomes unclean on our behalf for He does not care to save Himself, He will not allow the threat of uncleanness to overtake His calling as Savior and Lord. It doesn’t mean He does not suffer - as if He has some supra-human capacity to endure the pain. His suffering is our suffering; His healing touch our healing touch; His sacrifice, our hope. We are not cast off.