Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12
Rev. Tiare L. Mathison, Pastor & Soul-Tender
Let’s start with hope today. Wolf is wagging his tail as the lamb barks loudly! Calf and lion and fatling romp in the grass together. Out in the field, cow and bear munch away, side by side, satisfied rumbles. Snake is playing hide and seek as the young child giggles and laughs. Everyone is at peace, all over the holy mountain. (Slowly) The knowledge of God is so radically felt and experienced, it fills the air thick, like the salty smell of the seas. The peaceable kindom: a God-infused world. (Pause)
This all comes about because the root of Jesse’s Tree produces a king filled with covenantal qualities of righteousness, compassion and equity. He sees all those on the margins, preyed upon by the aggressors, weighed down by living without, scrounging to find enough to sustain for one more day. Wisdom, understanding, knowing God intimately provides him with the power to judge, to sort the wheat from the chaff, to have preference for the poor. He builds a community of peace.
Full stop.
Isn’t this what we want too? Leaders who act with righteousness, compassion for the poor, distributive justice & reparations to build equity for all? To make commitments for structural repentance, whereby systems of power are stripped of abuse and rebuilt to favor those who have never been given a chance? To own the wickedness of destroying the holy mountain and make the changes necessary to save the earth? Isn’t this our longing too? A God-Infused World?
I am reminded of Thomas Merton, a Trappist Monk who lived at Our Lady of Gethsamani abbey in Kentucky. A 20th century thought leader for spiritual depth. All seminarians were assigned to read his Seven Story Mountain.
He says: quote: “Life is this simple: we are living in a world that is absolutely transparent and God is shining through it all the time. This is not just a nice story or a fable, it is true.” unquote
Paul, in Romans says: May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and Peace, IN BELIEVING, so that you may ABOUND in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 15:13
A little background. Advent is the start of the Christian liturgical year. The church, over the centuries, determined Christians need to stop and take stock of our lives. Before we can celebrate Christ’s birth, we must repent and be converted. Its parallel is Lent, our preparation to be witnesses to Christ’s death and glorification. The through line in all this are the promises of God, articulated by Isaiah, alive in Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Even now, God is at work in you and me and the whole wide world, removing the trappings, the husks as it were, that act as our defense, arrogance and disbelief.
Quote: “When we think faith is all about belief, we beat ourselves up for not being able to hold together all the mysteries and contradictions and far-fetched ideas. But that’s not what Christianity is really about. The Christian faith is really about trust. It’s not about Jesus the magician whisking us away on a magic carpet of happiness and glory. It’s about facing the unknown and seeing Jesus turn around, offer us his hand, and say, “We’re going to walk across the unknown together.” unquote Sam Wells, The Christian Century.
A God-Infused World
It is out in the wilderness where we first discover the Presence. John the Baptist wears funny clothes and is vegetarian, kinda like Elijah. He speaks sharp notes of judgment, to which the poor and those on the margin respond with sinful confessions, and are then baptized! Marked, included in God’s kindom. Note this: repentance makes it possible to see God’s infusion. It is a turning back toward our identity given in baptism. We look backwards so we can see the future. We have ‘died’ to sin and are raised with Christ, full inclusive adoptions, sisters and brothers in the covenant of Israel, Jews & Gentiles at peace. It is not a ritual of self-purification, rather this fundamental trust that Jesus indeed extends His hand…
Phenomena draws vipers - those with secular & religious power, seated at the center of the city councils - what’s going on? Whose operation is this? Is it a rebellion in the making? Best keep an eye on it. Oh sure, our arch enemies are here too. Tensions rise.
“Do not claim your ancestral linkage to Abraham and Sarah! See these rocks? God can raise them up to become children, you fools. Examine your lives. Where is your compassion, your righteousness, your pursuit of equity for all? He who is coming has the power to judge and to save. Best be getting yourselves ready for the showdown.” A God-Infused World
John’s proclamation points to what God has done, is doing and will do: the covenant with ancient Israel is broken open to include Jews, Gentiles, even pagans. Called into a welcome, this idea of bringing ‘the other’ toward yourself, to build the beloved community. This happens through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We all are brought in, the great gathering. Its nothing we have done that makes this so, rather, it is God’s continuous movement toward us, and all of humanity. Everyone gets a chance to say yes or no. By the fruit of our lives, we show our response, people SEE us, watch us, observe us, and make their judgments. Preach the gospel St. Francis says, use words only if necessary.
Like a pregnant woman waiting for those first contractions to signal baby is on the way! We are called to wait, be patient, anticipate the full arrival of Beloved Community. It is not easy for the violence and oligarchs seem to be everywhere. But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His goodness never comes to an end. They are new every morning, great is God’s faithfulness. To all generations.
A God-Infused World
Apostles Creed