He Calls You By Name, Beloved

He Calls You By Name

Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:1-6, 11-18

Rev. Tiare L. Mathison, Pastor & Soul-Tender

Did you notice in the clip that Babe led, not by harassment, rather encouragement? Earlier in the movie, Babe learns the sheep’s secret language from an old yew - Baa Man Rue, to thy sheep, thy breed, be true - - and thus is able to lead the sheep through the trials to victory. He speaks their language. In a voice they can hear.

This for me is what is so striking in our gospel lesson today. Jesus calls His sheep by name, in a voice we can hear.

As I ponder this notion, I am struck by the idea that Jesus would have to know billions of names currently, let alone the billions of Christians who have already died over the course of the last 2,000 years. I realize if we have a collective name, He could stand at the gate of all our lives and call us all out to the verdant pastures and calm waters. You know what it is: BELOVED. Beloved. The name given to you at your baptism, stamped on your forehead as a bearer of the image of God. Beloved. This is the name that echoes deep inside us, where our souls sing. This is the name that no one can take away, besmirch, make fun of, damage or control. For it is our God-given name. You are My Beloved.

You are My Beloved. You. You. You.

Jesus’ declaration that He is the Good Shepherd angers the religious authorities, though. King David is the good shepherd, Moses is the good shepherd, not this guy from a backwater town who heals on the Sabbath, eats with sinners, has a band of followers that include women, not this guy. How dare He make this claim? And He uses the phrase, “I AM” THAT is reserved for God! Remember? Moses asks God, “what Name shall I tell the people?” God replies, “I Am.” The God of creation, the universe, the Holy One of Israel who brings salvation and healing. Jesus in His own mission, lays claim to the territory that the prophet Ezekiel first spells out: The Good Shepherd leads, guides, feeds, shelters, and seeks out the lost. He knows their name. He is the model shepherd who will do anything for the sheep, including lose His life, become the sacrificial lamb. The hired hand is only in it for the $ and at the first sign of trouble, runs away, leaving the sheep in disarray. He Calls You By Name

Included in this bold claim is the reality that Jesus, as Shepherd, gathers His flock, which includes ‘others, not of this fold’ He says. In John’s gospel anyone who sees, hears and believes in Jesus is included. Thus the door is wide open for those labeled ‘outcast’ - i.e. sinners, tax collectors, prostitutes, Samaritans, even Gentiles.

It might be difficult for us to understand how deep a riven this is in the theology of that day. There were strictures built into community life of who is in and who is not. Everyone had their proper place as a way to maintain cleanliness in the religious sense. You did not hang around with those others, nor eat their food, nor enter their homes, for you would be defiled. And left outside the camp for 7 days to be cleansed, according to Levitical Law.

In a radical shift, Jesus creates a space that is both intimate and secure, one in which all are welcomed. He cares for those He names Beloved - they know Him and trust Him. They feel a deep sense of safety and can breathe out easily. This is what is offered when He Calls You By Name.

Here is the one space in all of your life where you are invited to bring your whole self to the table. Look at the outcasts: These folk were not afraid to be called sheep, especially by the Good Shepherd. They wanted to be led into the paths of righteousness the Psalmist writes about. Sheep are not dumb, you know that? They just like to be led. Cattle like to be prodded. Sheep like to follow. So from one sheep to another, let’s be honest - we are all in need of of the new life that is offered because of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Our impoverished understanding of what it means to be loved through the sacrifice on the cross limits our capacity, on our own, to truly grasp this abiding grace. It’s why this community gathers in Jesus’ Name, defined by who Jesus is, how Jesus lives, how He dies, how He is raised from the dead. The only status symbol we all have is the cross on our foreheads that says, “Beloved”.

What we are called to do by our Shepherd is to surrender ourselves into His care. His care!!! We belong to Him, a deep reassurance of His support as we stumble along, trying to exercise our faith every single day of our lives. You know the choices you face, its not easy to always choose the good, to serve others, to say yes or to say no, clearly. But if the promise of God has any worth, then we do not have to figure this out solely on our own. We do have to tune our ear to hear Jesus’ voice in the midst of the cacophony of voices all around us. We have to take the time, to discipline our wandering minds, to pay attention to let our souls find that pitch that is rich in its tenor and tone. We have to admit we cannot figure it out on our own and we need help. He Calls You By Name, Beloved.