Worship begins at 10:30am every Sunday and brings life to our tagline:
"Love Christ, Love Each Other, Laugh Often"!
Check us out, join us for coffee after the service and see below for more about our services!
Every Sunday there are beautiful moments of celebration,hope and deep care for one another, all in the name of of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are open and welcoming to all, including the LGBTQ Community and people of color. We have a volunteer praise band with a variety of musicians on any given Sunday.
Please accept our invitation to participate in a vibrant and fun community!
*Childcare Provided unless otherwise mentioned*
12.10 - "Let Love Rise" & Communion (Childcare provided)
12.17 - Children's Christmas Pageant: a DIY!!! (Childcare provided)
12.24 - "Now to God..." - 4th Sunday of Advent (Childcare provided) - Morning Service
12.24 - Carols, Prayers & Songs - 7pm! You are invited, we'd love to have you.... (Childcare provided)
12.31 - Christmas Carol Extravaganza! - 10:30am - We will sing and sing and sing (Childcare provided)
01.07.2018 - Epiphany! Celebrate the arrival of the kings and the gifts for Jesus (Childcare provided)