Wallingford Presbyterian Church
"Love Christ, love each other, laugh often"
Please Join Us for our weekly 10:30 service
Child care provided
Sunday school for children up through 5th grade
The horizon is clear while I write, at this very moment the sun is shining, there is blue sky poking through. In this moment of light my heart lifts up, my gaze goes long, my shoulders drop and a smile of gratitude steals across my face. It is a gift, this moment, in the midst of the grey and rain of almost winter. The music of Magnificat, by Nidarosdomens Jentekor and Trondheimm Solistene, a Norwegian Composer, fills our apartment with sounds of joy and longing (the music translates the Norwegian words:). It is this season, what we call Advent, the waiting, that fills my mind, in this moment.
I wait for peace to come all over the world; I wait for hope to be restored in couples' lives; I wait for joy to return to the depressed; I wait for a government that cares about poor people; I wait for the political will to build enough housing for the houseless in our cities; I wait, in hope, for Grace to come again. As the horizon clouds over, I wait...