The Giving Garden
Join Us in Caring for the Garden!
If you are interested in joining us for harvesting, watering, weeding, and good conversations in the garden, contact Erica at Or just pull weeks when you see them!
About the Garden
We love our little garden!
The Giving Garden at WPC was an idea birthed out of many conversations, spiritual nudges, and collaboration with groups from the community. The Just Garden Project graciously supported the building and initial seeds for the garden, and several church groups have participated in the building,watering, care and upkeep of the garden. Neighbors have donated tomato plants and seeds, and the children at WPC help track how many pounds of food come from the garden.
The garden began as 3 raised beds. Food produced from the garden is donated to Wallingford's own FamilyWorks Food Bank. In the 2014 growing season, over 120 pounds of fruits, vegetables and herbs were donated from this little space! However, the garden provides more than just physical food- it also provides a place to work side-by-side, to have conversations, to connect with the community and to be present in our neighborhoods together.
In the spring of 2015, the garden was expanded to 7 raised beds! That means we need more hands and hearts to join us with the work!
The 2016 growing season yielded 250 pounds of vegetables! More info: